Component: Exhaust Manifold Plug
Product: Exhaust manifold
Case Number: 1013
The NPT plugs leaked in the exhaust manifolds.
Use Description
NPT plugs for the exhaust manifold was exposed to 1,200 degrees f. The new manifold for light-weight trucks required a plug that would not back out and also had to be able to be removed as needed.
A -10 socket head Zero-Leak Gold plug without an O-ring was installed. ZLGP resist the effects of vibration and do not back out.
The ZLGP remain secure in the manifold without back out problems.
Component: Custom Plug
Product: Heat Exchanger
Case Number: 1036
The customer of the heat exchange manufacturer was concerned about the SAE O-ring only plug leaking in its trucks.
Use Description
The plug was used as a locator as well as a plug.
Incorporated the ZLGP design into the combination plug and locator.
The Zero-Leak Gold plug design eliminated the leaks.
Several other heat exchange companies are considering similar applications.
Component: Old Style O-ring Plug
Product: Transmission
Case Number: 1072
Aside from the plugs backing out, pieces of damaged O-rings were falling into the transmission. This resulted in partial transmission tear down to remove the particles.
Use Description
The plugs are an important part of the transmission and were causing the problem when parts of the O-rings would stick to the port and fall into the transmission. It was a major job to take the transmission apart to remove the pieces of O-ring.
Zero-Leak Gold -04 socket head plugs were installed.
The design of the Zero-Leak Gold plug prevents the O-ring from being damaged or nibbled and therefore, will not contaminate the transmission with O-ring particles. The low profile of the ZLGP proved to be advantageous to the design -- no more leaking plugs. The ZLGP is a standard item and therefore readily available to support their Kan Ban manufacturing process.
Component: Drain/fill Plug – Square Male Drive
Case Number: 1073
The SAE straight thread plugs with a chemical sealant leaked, and the system was threatened with sealant contamination.
Use Description
The SAE plugs with a male square drive and chemical sealant were used in a drain/fill application for the transmissions.
A major truck customer of the transmission maker saw some custom -12 ZLGP that were being used by a competing transmission maker. The customer requested that the same basic ZLGP design be used with the addition of the male square drive in transmissions supplied to them.
The special ZLGP design was incorporated and the leaks were eliminated.
Component: Drain/Fill plug
Product: Transmission
Case Number: 10741075
Legislation has mandated that the heavy-duty truck engines be more fuel efficient, have lower emissions, and no fluid leaks. Heavy-duty transmissions are to be designed leak free. Existing truck transmissions still in service must be made leak free.
Use Description
Plugs are used for drain/fill applications in a new overdrive system.
A -08 socket head Zero-Leak Gold Plug will be installed as drain/fill plug in the overdrive case. The same ZLGP will be used for HD transmissions still in service.
No fluid leaks at the ZLGP locations have been reported making the overdrive case leak free.